Home » S38F Blog » It’s that time of year again… Here is a quick at home for you…

It’s that time of year again… Here is a quick at home for you…

Things are going to get really hectic over the next couple of weeks, so here is a quick body weight workout you can do that will help you not feel like a slug. This won’t take up a lot of you time and should be over in about 20 minutes.  Enjoy!




Speed Squats – 1 minute

Front Alternating lunges – 30 reps total

Jump Tucks- 40 seconds

Shoulder Taps- 40 seconds

Supermans/womans (Has)- 20 reps

Pushups- As many as possible

Squat Jumps- 40 reps

High knee- 30 seconds

Plank- as long as possible





15 Responses so far.

  1. Linda Mitchell says:

    SWEET – Maybe I will do this tomorrow then! Does this count for points? What is Superman/woman? Will this make my butt tighter? LOL!

  2. Jamar says:

    It’s great to have an at home option…think I may freak my dog (and possibly Scott) out if I did 40 squat jumps in the house(assuming I could actually do 40!).

    Did the workout of the week this moring (without my buddy). Damn stairs…

  3. Trish says:

    Lord help me, I will do these at home…

  4. Julia says:

    Spinning was great this morning! Anyone up for the 10am class tomorrow?
    Good luck to everyone running at mount hood. I can’t wait to hear about it.

    • Jamar says:

      I agree ~ great spin class this morning! I can’t go to the 10am class but will be at bootcamp tomorrow morning.

      Good luck to everyoen running Mt Hood tomorrow!

  5. Linda Mitchell says:

    WOW!!! Workout of the Week = WOW!!! Was totally intimidated to do it and am now so happy that I pushed myself and did it!!! Thanks Jeff!!!!!

  6. Jamar says:

    Ok not my best weekend…negative points. Looking forward to getting back on track this week.

  7. Jill says:

    Tis the Season to be Merry! Definitely a tough weekend…my workouts kept me in check, but my eating and drinking were not wonderful. I am hoping to get back on track tomorrow! I just wrote down all my potential classes/workouts for the next 2 weeks to keep me focused. Good Luck!

    • Laura Kernan says:

      Same here Jill. Yesterday I ordered Chinese food and today…donut. Oh well, yesterday was a killer race day and I’ll be back on track tomorrow!

    • Jamar says:

      I did the same thing today (planning my workouts for the next two weeks) while on a flight to NY for a client meeting. Traveling to NY for the day did not help in my goal to get back on track but tomorrow is a new day.

  8. Lois says:

    I can relate, Jamar. Negative points here as well both Friday and Saturday. ugh. Not today though! Inspired by the runners of the Assault on Mount Hood, I had a wicked awesome 7 mile run this morning. It got my head clear and I set out to make sure I had all the supplies needed for a week of packing breakfasts and lunches.

    Looking forward to whatever Jeff comes up with for this week’s WOW.

    • Ernesto says:


      A negative points day for me on Saturday…. ouch! I was not able to make the Assault run which contributed to low points. Also, I was a judge and statistician at a “Top Chef” style event at our house on Saturday night with 20+ entries for best appetizer/starter and best dessert, which along with the accompanying wine trashed my sweets/alcohol points for the day. No exercise at all made the points loss even worse. Oh well, that day is history.

      Whatever taskmaster Jeff plans for the WOW, I will be doing it Thursday morning at 7am or earlier if that works out better for WBs.


    • Ernesto says:

      Lois – WOW tomorrow @ 7am? Ernie