
Tag Archives: Julia Scott

Here are some pics from the run on Sunday

Here are some pics from Sunday. Enjoy!

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Stair Climb Photos

Here are some great photos from this past weekends event, The Race Up Boston Place.  We can’t wait until next year to do it again.  Hopefully by then Ginny will forget how “great” her lungs felt when she finished.  

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It’s that time of year again… Here is a quick at home for you…

Things are going to get really hectic over the next couple of weeks, so here is a quick body weight workout you can do that will help you not feel like a slug. This won’t take up a lot of you time and should be over in about 20 minutes.  Enjoy!       Speed […]

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New Class Schedule Through September

Check out the new class schedule that’s going to be running through the end of September.  We will then reevaluate, add, remove or adjust the classes as we see fit. Come check us out and get some free classes.

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