
Category Archives: S38F Blog

Real thoughts along with real results

Shape ups/ curved sole shoes DON’T work according to studies

Wall Street Journal: Researchers conducted two studies, with two different groups of 12 physically active female volunteers in the 19-27 age range. One had the women doing a dozen five-minute stints in which they walked on a treadmill set at different grades wearing each kind of toning shoe, as well as a control pair of […]

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Try this sample workout

Start on the treadmill for 5 minutes at 65% of your max heart rate. Then hop off and do 5 different strength exercises for a minute each with no rest in between. Something like: speed squats, split lunge jumps, alternating wide/narrow stance pushups, shoulder taps and abdominal twists   After completing all 5 for a […]

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Who is this Fit Celebrity?

There are so many fit celebrities out there, I thought I’d make a game out of it.  The first person who posts the correct answer in the comments section gets 2 free classes.  Let’s see how smart the clients of Studio 38 Fitness really are. Hint: Grow things   ****UPDATE: Olga Falzone Wins.  Congrats to […]

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Who wants to know the best way to utilize fat for energy?

Do interval workouts! Once a week to start then twice after getting use to it.  The theory behind high intensity interval training is that it tricks the body into metabolizing fat cells for fuel.  One 30 minute interval workout, done correctly, can burn up to double the calories a steady state workout can.  Not only […]

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Classes link doesn’t work in Safari

If you have an apple computer, you’re going to need to go to use firefox or internet explorer to access the class log in page.  It’s a pain in the butt, I know.   I’m going to try and resolve the issue on Monday.

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Sign up for classes online now!!

You can now sign up for classes online! Click on the BOOK NOW button at the bottom of the page to reserve your spaces now!! Don’t forget, Spinning starts in September. appointment scheduling software from Appointment-Plus

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You’re going to start hearing this song EVERYWHERE!!

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Class schedule is out!!

Check out the class schedule on the classes page.  See what we have in store .

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Class schedule comes out tomorrow

Make sure you come back tomorrow to check out our class schedule.  We’ll be running it from August 1st until September 15th.  Stay tuned!

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