
Category Archives: S38F Blog

Real thoughts along with real results

Lazy Bum Syndrome…

Remember your options for staying active this weekend.  With these extra day’s off it’s easy to fall into the “I’ll workout later” way of thinking.  The easiest and probably the most realistic way of fitting it in is to get it out of the way first thing so the other things that tend to pop […]

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Studio 38 Fitness, The Only Place To Get Ready For Black Friday

This how we do it here at the studio!!! Can you handle it?      

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Talk About Earning Points

Take a look below at Studio 38 Fitness regular Laura Kernan as she tears through some cyclecross races. Talk about intense!  

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Things Going On This Week

This Week @ Studio 38 Fitness Thanksgiving Holiday Class Schedule There will be a spin classes @ 8:30 on BOTH Thursday and Friday mornings.  There will not be a 30/30 class on Thanksgiving night, just in case you were wondering.  Also there will not be a Core & More class on Friday @ 12:15.  Saturday’s […]

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Why I Put the Emphasis on NOT Eating Out

The first thing I ask people when they come to me about weight loss is how much do you eat out per week? Is it more that 60%? The reason I ask this is because there is a direct reflection in how many times you eat out per week (ie. including meals and snacks) to […]

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Time to register…. Who’s in?

Alright, it’s time to put up or shut up.  The assault on Mt. Hood is on December 10th starting at 12 noon.  Who’s in?  It’s a 3.5 mile cross country style race with some celebrating afterwards.   All proceeds go to a number of charities in the area so it’s a great cause.  Sign up at […]

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This week has been great for getting back on track

A lot of the time I get people saying to me “You know, it must be great owning a gym. You can workout all day and never miss a day”. I’m living proof that statement couldn’t be further from the truth.  I, like you guys, have probably 50 tasks that I have to do every […]

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Even after a long day even I can plan for my meals

So…. After working from 5:30 AM and not getting home until 8 PM, even I have the patience to make a meal that will last me through the weekend.  It takes a little planning but we all can do it.  Life is about balance. Figure out what’s important to you, set goals to keep you […]

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Only 2 Points For My Workout Today

I thought I was going to have a solid 45 minutes to get my workout in….. The day just caught up with me.   That’s OK though because I’m still getting my point from not eating out/alcohol, etc.  If one thing throws you off don’t lose track of all the others.  Tomorrow is another day and […]

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Last Tuesdays Spinning Playlist

Here is last week Tuesday night spinning playlist. I’m having some technical difficulties today with my ipod today but I’ll put something good together never the less.  If you’re doing the Winter-Fit program, keep logging those points!!     Warm up: Beer in Mexico- Kenny Chesney Mr. Saxobeat- Alexandra Stan Lights(Basenectar Remix)- Ellie Goulding Smile- […]

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