
Category Archives: S38F Blog

Real thoughts along with real results

It’s that time of year again… Here is a quick at home for you…

Things are going to get really hectic over the next couple of weeks, so here is a quick body weight workout you can do that will help you not feel like a slug. This won’t take up a lot of you time and should be over in about 20 minutes.  Enjoy!       Speed […]

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So… I guess my spell check doesn’t work….

Yeah, my newsletter had a few spelling mistakes in it. I know, awesome. I’ll do a better job at editing and not get so excited about sending it out that it looks like a 5th grader wrote it. I guess it could be worse…      

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Studio 38 Fitness Gazette: Holiday Edition

                December 7th, 2011 In This Issue Exercise and Quality of Sleep Holiday Gifts for Fitness Fanatics Recipe of the Month Client Spotlight Event and Adventures Fitness Fun Fact Excuse of the Month Studio Gift Specials Client Spotlight Laura Kernan You want to talk about diehard? Then Laura […]

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Update: Guess the Fit Celeb

I guess this one was a hard one so I’m just going to have to give it to you…   And the fit celebrity is…. Tatum Channing  

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One for the ladies…..

OK folks, here we have another edition of Guess the Fit Celebrity…    First one to answer correctly in the blog comments sections gets 2 free classes… Good luck!!  

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9 Days: The Countdown is on!!!

So, this is one of your last chances to sign up for the most hyped race in ST38F history.  The infamous, Assault on Mt. Hood.   This is a 3.5 mile cross country style race around the Mt. Hood golf course in Melrose that will surely be a challenge for anyone who wants to take […]

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Workout of the Week

If you’re looking for a good 25-30 minute workout that will get you smoked, check out the workout of the week on the bulletin board inside the studio.  It’s a good one!!

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Check out this website

I’ve found a great tool to use while I’ve been out running/walking.  It’s runkeeper.com and it has an app that you can download to your smart phone to track your mileage, pace, distance etc.  It’s great especially if you don’t have a GPS wrist watch from companies like Garmin or Nike.  When you get a […]

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How was it for you?

Not every day is going to be perfect.  This is just a little reminder to keep you focused for the weekend.  If you’re slacking in your workouts, watch your eating and vice versa.  Don’t let one slip start an avalanche that will ruin you entire weekend.  Strive for perfection but if you don’t get there […]

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Back on the Wagon

Thanksgiving is almost over so you know what that means…. Back at it tomorrow.  No excuses.  The sooner you get back into your exercise routine the better. Don’t hesitate.  Remember, it’s a holiDAY not holi-week…. See you guys soon! Happy Thanksgiving!

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