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Holiday Schedule, New Programs and Events



Happy Thanksgiving



Holiday Schedule

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! With the holiday just days away, we have some small changes to the group schedule.  Wednesday the only change to the schedule is that there will be NO evening conditioning class.  On Tuesday we will have a Holiday conditioning class starting at 8 and will run until about 9:15.  On Friday, instead of the usual 5:45 am Spinning class and 12-1 PM Core/Cardio class, we will have one class that will run from 9-10 AM. 

Wednesday: As scheduled accept NO 6:15 evening conditioning class.

Thursday: Thanksgiving Class Extravaganza @ 8 AM.

Friday: Trainer Surprise from 9-10 AM. 

Saturday: Normal Schedule


Holiday Gifts for All

From now until December 24th you can come in and get a gift certificate for any of your loved ones, friends, maybe some people you don’t like even and receive 10% off.  For example, if you want to get someone $100 in services then the cost to you is just $90.  Best deal around.

American Lung Association Stair Climb Team

February 6th

Now is the time to sign up for a great event we do in February called the Stair Climb.  If you’ve never heard of the event, its where we try to raise as much money for charity before we embark on climbing 82 flights of stairs up to the top of 1 Boston Place.   Some people run, some walk, it’s really up to you. We start training for it in December right through January.  Any and all interested parties are encouraged to sign up at the link below or if you want more information email jeff@studio38fitness.com.



Hold It For The Holidays in December/

January New Year’s Kick-start

The holidays can be an extremely busy time that can also compromise your normal daily routine and can lead to poor habits.  NOT THIS YEAR!  From December 3rd until December 30th we’ll be running Hold It for the Holidays 2015!  This program is designed to help guide you through the holiday season with minimal damage to you fitness and well being.  We’ll be offering tips and strategies to offset the grind of the holiday season all while monitoring you so you don’t totally lose it.

Once January comes you’ll have the option to kick it up a notch and try to get those holiday pounds off.  We’ll examine how we can change the bad habits of December and turn them into a consistent, healthy way of living in January.  Who wants in? Email jeff@studio38fitness.com by November 30th to be included.


January Free Money Personal Training Referral Program

Who likes free money? I sure do.   This program is so simple.  Anyone who refers a new client to the studio that signs up for our 12 week personal training program will receive $50 or $100.  Your referral signs up for once a week, you get $50, they sign up for two times and you get $100.  Start referring today!

Note: Payment is upon completion of the 12 weeks.

Studio 38 Fitness

38 Montvale Ave.

Suite 180

Stoneham, MA 02180

Tel. 781-438-1018
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