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Client Spotlight



Mariel Mabardy


Growing up Mariel had been very active taking part a variety of activities from swim team and dance to figure skating. However, once she went off to college most of her healthy habits went on hold and she ended up gaining a substantial amount of weight.  Finally, after some soul searching she decided  that enough was enough.  She concluded that the lifestyle she had been living wasn’t for her and started to make a change.  After drastically changing her eating habits, exercise was the next thing that needed to be added into her routine.  That’s when she met Jeff.  She realized that staying regimented and focused was harder than she expected and even though she was motivated she needed a little accountability. They started working together focusing on little goals that then progressed towards much larger ones.  All of her efforts came together this year when she participated in her first half marathon and completed it with ease.  Mariel is a great example of how hard work pays dividends when you stay focused and determined.  Great job and keep it up.