Home » S38F Blog » Oh Boy, If You’re Interested In Crossfit….

Oh Boy, If You’re Interested In Crossfit….

Look, I’m the first one to encourage people to get out there and exercise but some of this stuff, to me, makes me say HMMMMM…..  I saw this video and then ran into a bunch just like it.  Too many FAILS for me….



3 Responses so far.

  1. Linda Mitchell says:

    …don’t EVEN get me started! …..

  2. Ernesto says:

    What’s with barbell lifts at the antecubital space (inside the elbows)? That just looks like it could mess up the soft tissue.

  3. Laura Kernan says:

    I used to be kind of interested in crossfit (although I never tried it) just because it is supposed to be a hard workout, but there’s too many stories of people getting hurt. I’m sure there are some good trainers there, but it seems like good form comes secondary to how much you can lift and what’s the point of that if you get injured?
    I’ll stick with Jeff. His workouts are plenty hard enough for me!