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Client Spotlight

Paul Lind

  Paul originally grew up in Weymouth Mass. He has been married to Susan Worrall for 19 yrs and has three children (two from a former marriage-Chris 32 and Jessica 31) and Matthew 18. He also has two grandchildren, Noah 3 1/2 and Olivia 3 months old. He is a semi retired school teacher who worked in the Chelsea Schools (still subs there). He was also the Interim Director of a Melrose Nursery School.

    Paul has been active all his life. When he was in high school he played hockey, ran long distance and played basketball. His exercise motivation over the years has been to continue to participate in activities he loves, such as skiing, running, cycling and playing golf.
He was introduced to Jeff and his programs one beautiful October afternoon when he was attending his son Matt’s cross country meet. Jeff talked to him about the programs and invited him to come that following Saturday for boot camp. His lovely wife Susan who had been training with Jeff said “Paul can’t do your boot camp it’s too hard for him”. Well that was all the motivation he needed to get started. He’s been going three days a week ever since!
From Paul- “I really like the people I train with. It feels like family. We all motivate each other and have fun doing it. Also Jeff and Has have made the workouts fun and they make us laugh so we enjoy the experience. One of the areas I have really made gains in is mental toughness. I am able to push through challenging exercises that make me physically and mentally stronger. Thank you”- Paul Lind

    Great job Paul.  Thank you and keep up the good work!

One Response so far.

  1. Laura Kernan says:

    Nice job Paul!