Home » S38F Blog » Let’s play a game of “what the hell happened?”

Let’s play a game of “what the hell happened?”

Sometimes you see people and when you see them you say in your mind, what the hell happened?  They were the ones who were in the best shape, best looking etc, and now they’re barely recognizable.  Obviously we know some people have health issues and things of that sort but some people just flat out lose it.  Celebrities are know for being attractive so when you see one that looks nothing like they did years ago it’s a nice reminder to stay after it not get complacent.  Who is the celeb in the pic below who’s gotten a little complacent?

                                                                                                                                  Before                                                       After

6 Responses so far.

  1. Mare says:

    Vince Vaughn? Val Kilmer?

  2. Mariel M. says:

    I couldn’t tell which one was the “before” and which one was the “after”…

  3. Laura Kernan says:

    “I’m your Huckleberry.”