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I think Olga is trying to get me to go Vegan

Most of you know I sampled some of Olga’s freshly made soup a couple of weeks ago.   She was nice enough to bring me another sample of a different kind today.  It was Sweet Potato Dal. I have to be honest and say that it wasn’t half bad.  For all of you who might be interested here is the recipe.

Sweet Potato Dal

Serves 2

This soup is Dal-icious! It’s so flavorful you’ll want seconds and thirds!

  • 1 small sweet potato, skinned

  • 1 small onion, finely chopped

  • 3 garlic cloves, minced red pepper flakes ( I did not add red pepper flakes)

  • 1/4 tsp turmeric

  • 1/4 tsp garam masala

  • plus extra 1 cup vegetable broth

  • plus extra 1/2 cup red lentils

  • 4 cups spinach, or more salt

Dice sweet potato into small 1/2-inch cubes, and set aside. Line a medium pot with a thin layer of water and saute onions and garlic for a minute. Add a pinch or two red pepper flakes and continue to cook until all the water has cooked off. Add turmeric, 1/4 tsp garam masala and stir to coat. Add 1 cup broth, uncooked lentils, and bring to a boil. Once boiling reduce to low, cover, and simmer for about 5 minutes. Add sweet potatoes, bring to a boil again and reduce to low and simmer, until lentils are fully cooked (they expand and the sauce thickens), about 5 minutes more. Check periodically to see if you need additional broth (I tend to add an extra 1/2 cup but it can vary). Once lentils are cooked and sweet potatoes are fork ten- der, taste, add more garam masala as desired (I like to add another 1/4 tsp but some blends are stronger than others). Add spinach, continuing to stir until spinach cooks down and softens. Add salt to taste and serve.

Per Serving: 232 Calories, 0.9g Fat, 42.2g Carbohydrates, 17.7g Fiber, 4.7g Sug- ar, 15.4g Protein



4 Responses so far.

  1. Lois says:

    Sounds delicious to me. i’ll totally make it. Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  2. Linda Mitchell says:

    YUMMY!!!! I am going to give this a try! Thanks Jeff for sharing and thanks Olga!!!

  3. Tracy says:

    Can Olga make me some???

    Sounds great!

  4. Linda Mitchell says:

    Oh yesterday and today would have been a great time for this yummy soup… Or sunday when it is supposed to be BRRRRRRR! Olga can you make us a huge bunch and do a soup kitchen at the studio? We will bring our own containers… LOL!