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9 Days: The Countdown is on!!!

So, this is one of your last chances to sign up for the most hyped race in ST38F history.  The infamous, Assault on Mt. Hood.   This is a 3.5 mile cross country style race around the Mt. Hood golf course in Melrose that will surely be a challenge for anyone who wants to take on the challenge.  The race is put on by the Melrose Running Club, of which many are involved with Studio 38 Fitness.  I think it would be a great supplement to the training all of you do. So, if you’re interested, click on the link below and sign up.

PS. They have a great spread afterwards!!

Here’s the link:  http://www.melroserunningclub.com/assaultonmthood/2011/mthood.shtml


9 Responses so far.

  1. Sue W says:

    You forgot to mention that all runners get a Mt Hood beer glass!

    • Ernesto says:

      The Assault beer glass is my incentive to show up for this event! That, and the potential post-run glass contents…..

  2. Julia says:

    Sounds like fun. I wish I could make it but maybe I’ll be able to come to the after party.

  3. Jeff says:

    PS. Did another hill and stair workout today with a certain president I know…. It’s game time!!

  4. Ginny Rowe says:

    Awesome hill and stair workout today. The more you practice the easier it gets. You’re gonna have to work for the victory! I was truly appreciative of the divine intervention! She came at the right time. I’m still laughing about it. Laughing counts as a bit of ab workout, too!

  5. Mariel M. says:

    I had the link up all day on my computer, debating if I should sign up for this or not.

    Then I realized that weight loss and exercise have way too many “should’ve, could’ve, would’ve’s”…I should’ve gone to the gym, I could’ve made a better choice when dining out, I would’ve stayed on track if it wasn’t for my vacation, job, family, my life. How many of us have used these terms to sabotage ourselves on a daily basis?

    So, I have made the commitment to sign up for the race. I may not be able to keep up with Ginny “Plank” Rowe (thanks for the nickname, Paul) but I definitely won’t be saying “I should’ve, could’ve, would’ve”.

  6. Heather says:

    I haven’t signed up yet but I plan on it. I don’t think I’ll be able to run all the hills but who knows. I’ll be getting up for my sunday morning run tomorrow at Mt. Hood… it definitely helps getting me prepared. Dodging the golf balls is pretty fun too. 🙂