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Workout of the Week

If you’re looking for a good 25-30 minute workout that will get you smoked, check out the workout of the week on the bulletin board inside the studio.  It’s a good one!!

34 Responses so far.

  1. Lois says:

    I’m planning on doing it this week! Anyone else wanna join me? Wednesday or Thursday morning 7 or 7:30am?

  2. Jamar says:

    Looking forward to trying it this week! Today was a good start to the week…hopefully I can keep it going.

  3. Mariel M. says:

    Well, I can officially say that I’m back on track after the holidays (I felt like I was sweating out gravy!). Lauren’s class was definitely challenging…I’m not sure if it was because I hadn’t worked out in a few days or if she knew that we needed it after Thanksgiving but either way, I’m glad that I made it a point to get there.

    After class, I made my way to the grocery store and picked up all of the vegetables, fruits, yogurts and other healthy options that I would need to make this a good week in terms of my food choices (I even saw Julie there!). My personal chef and sister made us a healthy, homemade grilled dinner and even packed our lunches for today!

    It’s so much easier to stay on track when the whole house is on board!

    • Ernesto says:

      “I felt like I was sweating out gravy!” – Mariel – that is VERY funny!! Ernie

    • Jamar says:

      I agree that it is easier when the person (or people) you live with are on board. It is difficult to stay on track when you live with a saboteur especially this time of year.

      Thank goodness I have all of you to motivate me and help keep me on track!

      • Jill says:

        Thanks everyone for all your positive messages! I hope to maintain my points by doing the weekly workout within the next few days (anyone around at 3:15 on Wed?)

    • Julia says:

      Haha good job girls! I too enjoyed the Michael Jackson themed spin class that Lauren taught. Looks like this is going to be a good week!

  4. Linda Mitchell says:

    Headed on a short vacation/business trip tomorrow – hoping I can stay on track somewhat! Oh the challenges!!!!! Thanks Jeff for the edge to keep me going!
    LOVE STUDIO 38!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Carrie says:

    Thanks for all the inspiration guys. One area I’ve not been successful in is meal planning. Once this week we ordered out (I got baked fish and double salad- no starch but it still counts as take out!) and last night I ate something out of the freezer that may have been chicken- ugh. I’d love ideas for meals/recipes that I can make ahead of time or whip up in 20-30 minutes. I’m not much of a cook and my husband does most of it- thank goodness- but I need to fill in at least 2 or 3 nights.

  6. Stacey says:

    Wow am I dragging this week – amazing how getting off track zaps your energy. Feeling likes this makes me realize just how much I need to exercise.

  7. Chico says:

    Do the workout of the week and you guys will get right back into it. It kicked my butt Monday night. Thanks Jeff for as M-says “sweating out gravy” and all the extra butter

  8. Linda Mitchell says:

    Hi Jeff, 2+ weeks without going out to dinner!! WOW..certainly saving money! Thanks for the great workout yesterday!!! The classes are just awesome!! Keeps me on track!

  9. Jamar says:

    Did the workoutof the week with Carrie this morning…great workout! Those stairs are brutal!

  10. Jill says:

    The workout of the week felt good today. I was dragging all day and then I made myself go right after work. It gave me a burst of energy to get me through the evening. Thanks for all the motivation! Jill

  11. Linda Mitchell says:

    Feeling the affects of being away from my routine while on vacation!!! Missing Studio 38!!!

  12. Lois says:

    Did the workout of the week this morning with Ernie to push me along!

    Someone I run with once said about hills “Love the hills and they’ll love you back”. It forever changed my perspective about hill running. I guess you can easily interchange ‘hills’ for ‘stairs’…

    I’m LOVIN’ the stairs (or “the Pool”, as I’ve heard it called)!!!

    Ernie – thanks for joining me! We will come up with other procrastination and diversion techniques next time!

    • Ernesto says:

      Thanks Lois. I should be able to do the WOW next Thursday morning. I hope that taskmaster Jeff doesn’t go overboard with next week’s assignment! And what is with that pool smell at the bottom of the stairs?

  13. Jamar says:

    Two days in a row of workout of the week and I am definitely feeling the stairs. I can only imagine how I will feel tomorrow!

  14. Ginny Rowe says:

    I’m so glad I just checked out the comments on the blog. I’m fighting temptation and sabateurs all the time. Now, after reading all your helpful and funny comments I am able to resist the last scoop of chocolate chip ice cream that was just offered to me. Don’t want to sweat it out tomorrow. Thanks everyone for the help. It’s tough going dessert free, but it helps to know that I’m not alone.

    • Ernesto says:

      Congrats on skipping the dessert Ginny! I was not able to resist ice cream on Saturday or Sunday while I was at my parent’s house in Western Mass. Oh well, I’ll make up for the points hit this week.

  15. Ernesto says:

    Thanks go to Lois, Jeff, and Has for their efforts today leading to a high WF points day for me. A morning workout of the week with Lois, a personal training session with Jeff later in the day, and wrapping up with a 30/30 session led by Has really got me moving today. No booze, no purchased meals, no treats, but a lot of sweat and rehydration. I hope I have enough reserve energy tomorrow to push the mouse around and type on the keyboard!


  16. Ernesto says:

    WOW Thursday morning

    I plan to do the WOW on Thursday morning this week at 7am. WBs welcome.


  17. Ernesto says:

    I read the WOW and thought looked easier than last week’s WOW. After doing the WOW this morning, I don’t think that anymore!

  18. Lois says:

    Did the WOW this morning with Ernie. Always nice to do it with someone (so thank you Ernie). It is a butt-kicker! I might just do it again tomorrow… 🙂

  19. Ernesto says:

    I set the alarm this morning to get out of the sack in time for bootcamp, but, shut it off and woke up @ 10:30 instead. Oh well, I’ll blame it on two holiday parties last night.

    Went to S38F this morning as Matt was winding down his PT session with Jeff, then Matt and I did the WOW. I think it is tougher the 2nd time around within the same week, at least within the same three days, or maybe it had something to do with last night’s imbibements….

    Not sure if everyone knows this, but the 8 points WOW is only good one time within a week.
