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Check out this website

I’ve found a great tool to use while I’ve been out running/walking.  It’s runkeeper.com and it has an app that you can download to your smart phone to track your mileage, pace, distance etc.  It’s great especially if you don’t have a GPS wrist watch from companies like Garmin or Nike.  When you get a chance check it out and let me know what you think.

4 Responses so far.

  1. Linda Mitchell says:

    Looks great Jeff!!! I needed something like this! See you today for your awesome Bands & Balls class!!

  2. Julia says:

    Map my ride or map my run also have apps that are similar to this one. I’ve used them before and they seem to work pretty well but if you leave them open on your phone for too long they’ll drain the battery. I’m going to try this one out to see how it compares. Thanks!

  3. Mariel M. says:

    Just downloaded the app onto my iPhone…I can’t wait to use it when I start training for the half marathon.

    Also, my personal goal for the week is to burn 500 calories during each workout. If you burn 500 calories per day, that’s 3500 calories per week…and that means that you are on track to lose a pound!

    Hooray for losing weight and feeling great.

  4. Jamar says:

    I am defintely going to check out this website as I too will be training for the half marathon. I am also in need of a new heart rate monitor~ any recommendations?

    And yes my legs are still sore today but not as much as yesterday.