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How was it for you?

Not every day is going to be perfect.  This is just a little reminder to keep you focused for the weekend.  If you’re slacking in your workouts, watch your eating and vice versa.  Don’t let one slip start an avalanche that will ruin you entire weekend.  Strive for perfection but if you don’t get there it’s OK, tomorrow is another day.  Practice makes perfect.

See you guys soon.

11 Responses so far.

  1. Linda Mitchell says:

    Thanks Jeff for your support and inspirations! You ROCK!
    Have a great weekend!!!!!

  2. Heather says:

    I’m back on track today! I’ve started out the morning with over an hour long run and the fridge is full to start making our dinners for the week. See you Tuesday night!

  3. Jill says:

    My refrigerator is cleaned out from all the Thanksgiving leftovers and I am heading out to the grocery store to stock my refrigerator with a lot of healthy options. I pre-planned all my dinners through Thursday, so I will not be tempted to buy takeout. I am ready for a good week. Good Luck Everyone!

  4. Julia says:

    You girls are good… I think we all need a good week after this weekend. It sounds like everyone is getting back on track.

  5. Jamar says:

    I definitely need a good week after this past week! Looking forward to getting back to working out at the studio with everyone! I am in need of some serious motivation.

  6. Stacey says:

    Your message…

  7. Stacey says:

    Thanks Jeff, much needed motivation after last week – I am looking forward to a fresh start this week. Question – how many point do we get for marathon Christmas shopping with a buddy? Those bags were very very heavy and I needed to stop for water breaks – it sure was a test of endurance (HEHEHEE)

  8. Laura Kernan says:

    Ate the last piece of pie yesterday. Cooked a healthy stew in the crockpot overnight that will last me a few lunches this week and began the morning with a bike race. It’s good to be back!

  9. Linda Mitchell says:

    Off we go into another great week with Jeff’s inspiration!! Thanks Jeff – now to see how I can stay on track going away mid-week!!!!

  10. Mariel M. says:

    Unfortunately, my weekend wasn’t as stellar as I had hoped either. Not only did I fall into the lazy bum syndrome but I also succumbed to the temptation of the sweets, treats and baked good as well as partook in one too many cocktails. I was also offline for most of the weekend, my computer was on the fritz so that didn’t help my cause very much either (no accountability!).

    There were a few things that I took from this weekend, despite my setback. I realized that I don’t like the way I feel when I don’t eat right and exercise. I hate my pants feeling tight and like I need to pop the clutch on my jeans after every meal. I like feeling strong and in shape and not having to worry about when I get dressed, if something I put on looks good or whether or not I have to wear Spanx to keep it all in check. And, has anyone ever noticed it feels like it takes a day to get out of shape but weeks to get back into it?!

    So yes, I admit it…my name is Mariel and I over indulged this Thanksgiving.

  11. mary says:

    i am a little late getting to this “blog thing” but i wanted to thank all of you for your suggestions, words of wisdom, and ideas as we try to make it through this difficult time of year. this was a tough week for me as i did very little working out and i honestly missed it (who would ever have thought??). jeff, you keep me going and focused…i love your “human-ness” and the folks that i meet and with whom i work out each week help to motivate me and push me to do more.

    i have a “festive” recipe for “onions and cranberries”..it is so easy… it is great for the holidays (or any time).

    1 1/2 pounds, pearl onions
    1 tblsp. butter
    3 tblsp. sugar
    1/4 teas. salt (optional)
    1/4 teas. black pepper
    1 cup cranberries
    1/2 cup chicken or vegetable broth
    Put onions with skins in a pot of boiling water for 2 minutes. Drain and rinse under cool water..when cool enough to handle, take off the roots and outer skins. Heat butter in large skillet, add onions-one layer at a time until lightly browned (4-5 minutes). Sprinkle in sugar, salt, pepper, and cranberries…tossing ingredients to combine. Add the broth and put all ingredients into a glass or other baking dish. Bake for 30 minutes at 400 degrees. This serves about 6 people. enjoy!
