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Lazy Bum Syndrome…

Remember your options for staying active this weekend.  With these extra day’s off it’s easy to fall into the “I’ll workout later” way of thinking.  The easiest and probably the most realistic way of fitting it in is to get it out of the way first thing so the other things that tend to pop up during the day don’t get in YOUR way.  You can do lots of things.   Here are three that are easy:


Spinning on Thursday and Friday morning @ 8:30

The workout of the week Friday @ 9:30. (Ernie is going to get it in then and is looking for other people to get after it)

Fun Run/Walk around Spot Pond Thursday Morning at 9.  Sponsored by the Melrose Running Club. 


There you have it.  Plenty of things to do to keep you active and help offset all those goodies you’ll be ingesting later in the day.  See you at one of them for sure!!


10 Responses so far.

  1. Jamar says:

    So cleaning the floors of my sister’s 6 bedroom/4 and a half bath house probably doesn’t count, huh? Hmmm…definitely should have worked out first thing this morning.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Linda Mitchell says:

    As always great advise Jeff! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!!!

  3. Laura Kernan says:

    I saw this blog entry right in the nick of time, just as my lazy bum was starting to make a place for itself in the couch for the night. I know it’s about getting it done in the morning, but I didn’t do that today. Nevertheless, it still motivated me to get up and get my lazy bum on my bike trainer and put in a solid 45 minutes.
    Thanks for the help Jeff and tomorrow I will see everyone in the AM spinning class!

  4. Julia says:

    I can’t wait for spinning tomorrow! It’s good to get it out of the way early so we can all enjoy the holiday!

  5. Heather says:

    Well I brought my gym clothes to work with me today but I never made it. I didn’t end up having enough time before we go out with friends. Yep, lots of negative points today. But looking forward to doing a 5k road race tomorrow morning to start the day off right!

  6. Carrie says:

    These early morning classes today and tomorrow are great- I am looking forward to getting a good workout in first thing!

  7. Linda Mitchell says:

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Heard a good point last night. Takes 20 minutes for your brain to know your stomach is actually full. As you enjoy today take time to slowly savor your food and give your brain a chance to tell you you are full. It will save you that “OMG I am stuffed” feeling and save you some calories too! I am so very Thankful for Jeff and Studio 38!

  8. Heather says:

    Happy Thanksgiving!! Started off the morning with a 5k road race and got my best time. Felt great afterwards and looking forward to the next few days of working out. Need to work off that stuffing! 🙂