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Studio 38 Fitness, The Only Place To Get Ready For Black Friday

This how we do it here at the studio!!! Can you handle it?




11 Responses so far.

  1. Linda Mitchell says:

    Oh Jeff…are you kidding me here? You are leaving yourself wide open for some juicy comments with this picture!!!

  2. Stacey says:

    This is exactly why working out at Studio 38 is so much fun. Thanks for the laugh and making it fun to work hard… on a different note Will asked if this is “Occupy Target” stunt, we are after all the 28.275315080%

  3. Heather says:

    Oh wow…can’t stop laughing! So wrong…love it! Thanks for another great class tonight. Legs are jello!

  4. Carrie says:

    Thanks for the laugh Jeff. I am definitely not training for Black Friday but I am really appreciating the points program as a way to keep me on track during the holidays. I just signed up for 3 classes over the next 3 days and when you add in tonight’s that will be 4 work outs in a row- probably a first for me! I have been frustrated with my points this week and am determined to do better. Thanks for the motivation!

  5. Jill says:

    It’s raining, it’s pouring…excuses to keep us from getting our workout in today! I laid in bed an extra 10 minutes this morning debating whether to go to spin or not to go to spin. Thinking about the points system got my butt out of bed.

  6. Mariel M. says:

    Ready, set, SHOP! Here are a few tips that I use when hitting the sales and shopping until I drop (and no Jeff, I did not copy/paste these off of the internet):

    Pack a lunch bag, just like you would to go to work- A lot of people head out on Black Friday and don’t bring anything to munch on but as you know, being prepared is the number one key to success. So, if you are planning on heading out for the day, pack a lunch bag filled with fruits, vegetables and snacks that can easily be eaten in the car or on the run (think bananas, apples, carrot sticks, pretzels, etc.) That way, you’ll avoid stopping at the drive through or food court.

    Wear a pedometer- This is a fun, motivating way to increase your steps, burn calories and get that added activity. I find that when I wear a pedometer, I will walk a little further than I normally would just to see those steps add up. Plus, it’s refreshing to know that even during Black Friday, you are burning off some of those Thanksgiving calories.

    Park a little further, take the elevator- This is pretty self explanatory but it’s amazing how many people forget to do this and how much these two little things can make a difference. Instead of trolling around looking for a parking spot, find one a bit further and get that extra movement in. Taking the stairs instead of the escalator will help you avoid some of the crowds while getting some added cardio in.

    Happy Shopping! 🙂

    • Carrie says:

      Good tips Mariel! I usually avoid Black Friday shopping due to the crowds but your ideas are good for shopping anytime and I will be out there eventually…Hope you get some good deals!

  7. Lauren says:

    Thank goodness I have such a disciplined and organized sister! Can’t wait to hit the sales – oh wait – I have to work! But it’s ok, I’m still going to brown bag my lunch! Plus I will be teaching spin tomorrow AND I have a training session w/Jeff on Friday. There is no rest for the wicked – but it’s worth it!

  8. Eliza says:

    When i don’t get to the gym or some exercise first thing in the morning, it is so hard to drag myself there later on. Today, however…still trying to work off the extra weight from the Thanksgiving holiday (which seemed to continue right through the weekend!), I dragged myself to the gym and swam 40 laps. Slow going at first but then my energy picked up and I sprinted the last few. Felt great!