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Things Going On This Week

This Week @ Studio 38 Fitness

Thanksgiving Holiday Class Schedule

There will be a spin classes @ 8:30 on BOTH Thursday and Friday mornings.  There will not be a 30/30 class on Thanksgiving night, just in case you were wondering.  Also there will not be a Core & More class on Friday @ 12:15.  Saturday’s classes are as usual.

You can sign up for the special classes on the calendar, they are already posted.


Holiday Fun Run/Walk

The clients of Studio 38 Fitness have been invited to participate in the Melrose running clubs annual Thanksgiving Fun Run around Spot Pond.  This 5 mile jaunt is scheduled to start at 9 am and will be celebrated with BYO refreshments post race tailgate.  All interested parties should email Jeff at jeff@studio38fitness.com.



Winter-Fit 2011

This past week we kicked off our first annual Winter-Fit maintenance program here at the studio and I’m happy to report it’s been received with great success.  We have over 20 people participating in the program dedicated to keeping them on track during the time of the year where it’s easy to neglect your workout, take on negative eating habits and become sedentary.  This program has them earning Fit-Points for all the positive activities of daily living they do and deducts points for all the negative.  It’s a great, fun way to stay focused.  Anyone interested in starting the program for the next 7 week can email Jeff at jeff@studio38fitness.com.



Studio 38 Fitness Trivia Fit Question


Which muscle fibers are used mostly with aerobic exercise (the utilization of oxygen during exercise)?
a. Slow Oxidative Glycolytic
b. Fast Glycolytic
c. Slow Oxidative
d. Fast Oxidative Glycolytic

9 Responses so far.

  1. Jamar says:

    Sad that I can’t take the Thanksgiving day spin class. Today I went with my sister to her jazzercise class. It was pretty entertaining…and fun and a pretty good workout! I’m certain I looked ridiculous but no more than usual. Think we’re going back tomorrow…bring it on southern church ladies. Lol

  2. Julia says:

    Jamar that sounds fun! I think Jeff should start teaching a Jazzercise class! Spin tonight was great and Lauren made an awesome playlist. I can’t wait to see what she has in store for us on Thanksgiving morning.

    • wendy says:

      Jeff and Lauren I totally enjoyed the spin class. Go figure I fell down the stairs and can barely sit on the couch let alone a bike. But, I will be back. Are dogs invited to the Melrose walk?

  3. Stacey says:

    Jazzercise with Jeff Devine – hysterical! I’m bummed to miss this week’s classes but promise to rope in a few family members to tackle the work out week – hope they will still be speaking to me after we finish 🙂

  4. Linda Mitchell says:

    Oh I am totally in favor of a jazzersize class or maybe even a zumba class with Jeff??? Shake them hips! Happy Thanksgiving week everyone – I am giving thanks for Jeff and Studio 38!

  5. Lauren says:

    Thanks everyone – Thanksgiving morning will be tough but fun! I can’t wait 🙂 Wendy I hope you will be ok asap.

    I was thinking about working out and I too am thankful for Studio 38 and the fact that we are all such a tight knit group. It makes it worth it! 🙂

  6. Mariel M. says:

    I am truly thankful for a fitness studio that promotes health and wellness in a realistic way.

    I am also thankful for my fellow workout friends at Studio 38 who keep me motivated and who I truly enjoy seeing on a daily basis. Without them, I don’t think that I would be nearly as dedicated to my workouts or push myself to be better each class.

    I am also thankful for a fitness studio that makes me feel comfortable and confident. Personally, I know that prior to signing up at Studio 38; I had some insecurities regarding my fitness and weight so it’s refreshing to come to a studio and not have to worry about those things. So please, remember that the next time you see someone struggling to get through a class or have the urge to “SHHH” them…they are here for a reason and that they, like you are just trying to better their health, fitness and weight through working out.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all! 🙂

  7. Jamar says:

    Another jazzercise class under my belt! Just confirming that it is not for me…I almost ran into the woman next to me several times…hahahaha…still laughing…hahaha

  8. Ernesto says:

    Anyone up for doing the WOW (Work Out of the Week) on Black Friday morning after the 830 Spin class – 930ish start time?