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Why I Put the Emphasis on NOT Eating Out

The first thing I ask people when they come to me about weight loss is how much do you eat out per week? Is it more that 60%? The reason I ask this is because there is a direct reflection in how many times you eat out per week (ie. including meals and snacks) to excess weight gain.  To put it into perspective, when a person purchases their food they would, on average, ingest and extra 150-250 calories PER MEAL/SNACK compared to people who plan ahead and prepare their food.  That means those people who buy their food take in enough calories to put on at least 1 pound in 2-3 weeks.  That’s ridiculous and totally preventable.  Check out the chart below to see just what I mean.



10 Responses so far.

  1. Stacey says:

    Get your point on eating out and I agree…but eating home prepared meals isn’t going to get my butt over the mount hood hills ! Went for a run this morning, oh boy, there is work that needs to be done.

  2. Linda Mitchell says:

    GREAT message Jeff! Thank you! Now out for a nice quick walk for some cardio – Sundays are usually my lazy day – but you have further inspired me! 🙂 Thank you! Oh and no trip to the North End tonight either!!!!

  3. Mariel M. says:

    A little humor for a Sunday afternoon…

    One evening a Husband, thinking he was being funny, said to his wife, “Perhaps we should start washing your clothes in ‘Slim Fast’. Maybe it would take a few inches off of your butt!”

    His wife was not amused, and decided that she simply couldn’t let such a comment go un rewarded.

    The next morning the husband took a pair of underwear out of his drawer. “What the Hell is this?” he said to himself as a little “dust” cloud appeared when he shook them out.

    “Sandy!”, he hollered into the bathroom, “Why did you put Talcum Powder in my underwear? ”

    She replied with a snicker. “It’s not talcum powder; it’s ‘Miracle Grow’!!!!!!”

  4. Julia S. says:

    Don’t forget about how much money you save when you plan ahead too. Going out can get really expensive.

  5. Lois says:

    I agree with it completely, Jeff. I live far from where I work so I have to plan for breakfast, lunch, and sometimes dinner, out of the house. It’s not always easy, but for me I’m doing much with making it the norm, and making a meal or snack out the rarity.

    Where I work it is a common social thing to have lunch with colleagues you don’t see all the time. It’s great, but pricey and ends up being a lot of extra calories I don’t need. Lately, when I have someone say to me ‘let’s meet for lunch’ I’m suggesting we brown bag it. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn’t. But for the most part my message is heard. That is not to say there isn’t a place nearby that makes a killer grilled cheese… but, again, my goal is to make that a deliberate and rare choice, not the everyday habit.

    Mmmm….grilled cheese… (Homer Simpson voice)

  6. Ginny Rowe says:

    Tonight I made homemade pizza (including the crust) instead of ordering it out. It definitely took a little bit longer than making a phone call, but well worth it. I used a lot of veggies and low fat, spicy chicken sausage for the meat lovers version. It’s also nice to be able to control the amount of cheese so that you don’t feel bloated and gross after eating the homemade version. Another bonus was the cost savings. It cost around $15 to make 4 large pizzas feeding 8 people with leftovers!

  7. Jamar says:

    You definitely save calories and money when planning your meals in advance. Right now I am visiting my sister and her family and although we are not going out to eat it has been a real struggle for me to say no to all the snack food that is in this house! And since her family is on a totally different schedule than I am used to, it is a challenge to get a workout in. This is going to be a tough points week!

  8. Mariel M. says:

    I have a question regarding clients that are interested in joining the Winter Fit program as of late…

    How will their points be calculated? Will they be awarded any points for this week, even though they are starting a week later than everyone? You mentioned that any participant who did not send their points in from the day before would automatically receive a -11. Would that be the case in this situation?

    Also, will you be sending an email with the updated points from last week? I want to see just how great I’m doing and how much butt I’m kicking…oops, I mean, how well EVERYONE is doing. 😉

    • Jeff says:

      If anyone comes on they’ll start at 0. Since it’s not a win or lose contest and I don’t want to demotivate or discourage anybody from participating I think that’s a good way to get people started. Once they start the program and they don’t submit their points then I have to assume they ate out/ had sweets and alcohol so they’ll get a negative 11.