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Even after a long day even I can plan for my meals

So…. After working from 5:30 AM and not getting home until 8 PM, even I have the patience to make a meal that will last me through the weekend.  It takes a little planning but we all can do it.  Life is about balance. Figure out what’s important to you, set goals to keep you focused and then put the plan into action.  I know a lot of you have families, jobs, hobbies and interests that can pull you off track. As long as you get back on track as soon as possible the goal will still be in site.

4 Responses so far.

  1. Linda Mitchell says:

    Great message jeff! The long lost Crock Pot is a great tool for busy on the go meals. Nothing like coming home to a wonderful home cooked meal smell and a nice hot soup or hot dish! Whip up a salad and you are sitting down to your home cooked dinner. Make enough to last a few nights. Happy Friday!

  2. Laura Kernan says:

    I love the crock pot too. Especially this time of year. I like to make extra and freeze it in pyrex bowls. Then I can take it to work and school with me for lunch (and sometimes dinner on those long days). It is sometimes a struggle to get organized enough to get yourself together for meal preparation, but it is so worth it when you do.

    Root veggies are great in the crock pot. Mix up a whole bunch of them together, sweet potatoes, carrots, beets, turnips, onions are some of my faves. They come out tasting wonderful. Add in some beans for protein. Also, one of my favorites is to pile some of these vegetables around a chicken in the oven and roast them all together. Easy, yummy,healthy and filling and lasts a few meals.

  3. Mariel M. says:

    A good way to stay motivated is to ask: “how much money do I spend on daily food purchases?” If you are eating out every day during the week, you are spending a good amount of money on eating out. A few years ago, I looked at my average cost of what I was spending daily on dining out. Here’s what I came up with:

    Breakfast: $5
    Lunch: $12
    Dinner: $20

    So, on average I was spending $37 for the five days of the week that I went to work (weekends were WAY more). That means that each week, I was spending an average of $185 for the 50 weeks that I went to work a year…that comes out to be $9,250.00!!

    If you ask me, that’s a nice chunk of change that I could be spending elsewhere (like say, Studio 38 Fitness). Planning my meals and taking them with me not only makes me feel better but it makes my bank account a lot fatter. That’s a reward all in itself.

  4. Jill says:

    I am not sure if recipes have been posted somewhere else, but I would love some new Crock Pot Recipes for the week after Thanksgiving. Thanks!