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Only 2 Points For My Workout Today

I thought I was going to have a solid 45 minutes to get my workout in….. The day just caught up with me.   That’s OK though because I’m still getting my point from not eating out/alcohol, etc.  If one thing throws you off don’t lose track of all the others.  Tomorrow is another day and I plan on burying GR on the hill outside the studio for a half hour starting around 1:15.  If anybody wants in just come on down.

18 Responses so far.

  1. Eliza says:

    Who knew that raking leaves could feel so good! It used to kill my back after just one hour. On Sunday, I raked for three hours straight and wasn’t even sore the next day. Thanks Jeff for beating me up every week!

  2. Linda Mitchell says:

    Who is GR?

  3. Linda Mitchell says:

    OH man – a challenge??? Can I change my workout time to closer to 1230pm then??

  4. Jill says:

    The weekly workout was feeling great today…until I read the bottom…repeat one more time! lol Great workout, Jeff!

  5. Jamar says:

    So tonight I actually convinced Scott not to order pizza and make dinner (major accomplishment :-)). And I did not have any chocolate covered cookie dough balls (don’t ask).

    Looking forward to attempting the workout of the week tomorrow morning (around 6am if anyone wants to join me)!

  6. Ginny Rowe says:

    After finishing my strenuous training session today I needed to go grocery shopping and start prepping for turkey day next week. Normally, I would be tempted by all baked goods, mountains of pies, and sweet treats, but I knew it would cost me points. I worked too hard to eat it all back. Trust me temptation is out in force this week! Oh, and I think I should pack a shovel for tomorrows run, I just might have to bury someone! That will be a second workout. Extra points for me!

  7. Linda Mitchell says:

    OH…GR…GOT IT!!! LOL! Ginny what an inspiring post from you! Way to go girl! Great inspiration! Thanks!!! Hope timing works out for me to be there today. Sounds like a great challenge!

  8. Mariel M. says:

    Hi Jeff,

    In response to your post, I understand how challenging it is to fit a workout in especially when the day gets busy and there never seems to be enough time. Just keep in mind that instead of aiming to be perfect, just aim to be a little bit better today than you were yesterday.

    Many people have an all or nothing mentality when it comes to weight loss and exercise. “Oh, I’m going out tonight” often translates into: I can’t eat anything right all day. But, if you just make small adjustments and realize that every meal, every day and every week is an opportunity to change something and do a little bit better than that meal, day or week before, you’ll be much better off than if you didn’t.

    • Julia S says:

      Agreed! I haven’t been able to workout for 2 days because I’ve been so busy and I feel terrible! But Tomorrow is a new day and I’m definitely going to have to make some adjustments to fit it in.

  9. Jamar says:

    Thanks Mariel for doing the workout of the week with me this morning! It was tough! So much better with a friend!

  10. Linda Mitchell says:

    Life is grand when you workout with friends at Studio 38 Fitness and there is a ton of sweating and panting going on! The burn felt GREAT! Thanks you two for the awesome “manage au twois” (ok I can’t spell it)!!!

  11. Heather says:

    Just did the workout of the week! I actually did it my own home… and decided that I have too many stairs. 🙂 It was a great workout for sure…my legs are still shaking. The only thing I couldn’t do exactly was the squat press with band. I don’t own a band so I used weights instead. I’ll be holding onto this workout!

  12. Stacey says:

    Great to see Jamar, Mariel and Deb at the studio bright and early this morning…very fun and motivating – it made it easier to avoid temptation today. I just didn’t want to undo all the hard work, I guess I’m saving that for Thanksgiving 🙂 Hopefully I’ll remain strong this weekend.

  13. Carrie says:

    I realized earlier this week that I wouldn’t be able to do my normal 30/3 class tonight due to an event at my daughter’s school. Before the Points Game I would have chalked it up and taken the day off from working out. Not now! I left work a little early (shhh don’t tell on me!) and stopped at the studio on the way home to do the workout of the week. And I still had time to get home, shower and make it to the school event. The workout of the week is great- I am still feeling it. I have to say though that I missed the combination of being screamed at (Jeff) or encouraged (Has)and the camraderie and support of the group of great people I am lucky enough to work out with 3x a week. But a solo workout beats no workout for sure. OK I’m off to calculate my points………

  14. Ginny Rowe says:

    During the hill repeats workout today I realized two things: 1. It’s good to trail someone that’s bigger than you because you can draft 2. It’s good that the person you’re trying to draft from is a bit faster than you because it helps to push you beyond what you think you’re capable of doing, or would do if you just ran on your own.

  15. Eliza says:

    These points are addictive! After working out this morning with Jeff (4 points), I decided to add a few more by going for a half hour walk/run. Normally I wouldn’t have taken the time to do that but knowing that I wanted those extra points was the incentive and I felt much better. The early morning light was gorgeous and the weather was perfect!