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Studio 38 Fitness Gazette: Premium Fitness Newsletter for October


Studio 38 Fitness Gazette

October 5th, 2011

In this issue:

Exercise and the Brain

Client of the Month

Events and Activities

Fit Tip

Halloween Party Info

S38F Ribbon Cutting

Who got referral bonuses?

Spinning is here!

Client Spotlight

Mauricio Barraza
The last 11 years of Chico’s life have included getting married to his loving wife Heidi, starting a family and working his way up the corporate ladder, but what it did not include was a healthier way of living.  Finally after his second child arrived he, along with Heidi, decided to make a change for the better.  Chico was an athlete his entire life and finally the lack of activity was starting to take a toll.   From achy joints to lack of energy, he started to not only see the difference in weight gain but in pain as well.  After some of Heidi’s encouragement, Chico scheduled a few training sessions with Jeff and after almost 10 months and 60 pounds later, he’s still at it.  He looks like a new man, feels like he did when he was 20 and has the energy back that he’s been missing for years.  He likes to, and I quote “brag that he has a desperate need for new pants and smaller belts”.   Great job Chico, keep up the good work!


Referal Bonuses

Congratulations to Ginny Rowe and Mare Campbell-York for referring two great people to Studio 38 Fitness during the month of September.  They each received $50 for their referrals.  You too can earn easy $$.  Refer someone, and depending on what type of personal training package they decide on, you receive a bonus. Simple as that.

Spinning is here!

Check out our class schedule here to see all the different times that we offer this great indoor cycling class:





Fun Fit Tip of the Month

Try using a pedometer during the day.  Each day try to increase your steps and go further to increase your activity.  Pretty soon you’ll be stepping your way to a slimmer you.

Can Exercise Strengthen the Brain?

By Gretchen Reynolds of the New York Times

Can exercise make the brain more fit? That absorbing question inspired a new study at the University of South Carolina during which scientists assembled mice and assigned half to run for an hour a day on little treadmills, while the rest lounged in their cages without exercising.

This is a great article that leads you to believe that exercise, specifically cardiovascular exercise, can have a lasting effect on the human body.  In short, scientists looked at the makeup of cells in the brains of mice.  They noticed that after only a few weeks of regimented exercise, not only did the mice in the control group get more fit, but they also changed the makeup of the cell structure in their brains.  There was, what is called, Biogenesis of the Mitochondria aka the creation of more within the cell.

Reynolds cites J. Mark Davis, a professor of exercise science at the Arnold School of Public Health at the University of South Carolina and senior author of the new mouse study,  saying, “There is evidence” from other studies “that mitochondrial deficits in the brain may play a role in the development of neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases”.   Therefore he is implying that if under certain parameters, the human brain can reproduce parts of the cell as in mice brains then that will offset the progression of such diseases reducing the rate at which people are diagnosed.  He also states that the level of activity was not over exhausting.  It equated to about a 30 minute jog for humans.

This is a great, quick read especially if you or someone you know has been affected by one of these diseases.  You can find the article here at: http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/09/28/how-exercise-can-strengthen-the-brain/


Studio 38 Fitness First Annual

Halloween Party

Join us starting at 8:00 PM on Friday October 28th for our first annual Halloween costume party.  Along with good people and good times, we’re going to have some of the best costumes in the area.  To top it off we’ll be giving out prizes for the best/ most creative/ funniest costumes. Make sure you reserve a space for you and a guest by the 23rd.  Scare you there…..


Steps to Cure NF

Steps 2 Cure NF is a 3 mile walk and/or run around beautiful Lake Quannapowitt  in Wakefield, MA. This is a wonderful opportunity for NF patients, families and friends to come out to support NF and create awareness.

Registration begins at 12:45 and the event begins at 2. For more information go here:



Rubber Band Challenge

So you think you can take the rubber band challenge? Come to the studio and find out more…. It only takes a minute, one of the toughest minutes of you life.


Events and Activities for the

Month of October

  • All Month: Spinning Classes, Rubber Band Challenge
  • Oct. 16th: Steps to Cure NF
  • Oct. 20th: Trivia night at Polcari’s in Woburn.  8 PM start time
  • Oct. 28th: First Annual Halloween Costume Party


Ribbon Cutting at Studio 38 Fitness

Jeff and members of the Chamber of Commerce in Stoneham