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Classes link doesn’t work in Safari

If you have an apple computer, you’re going to need to go to use firefox or internet explorer to access the class log in page.  It’s a pain in the butt, I know.   I’m going to try and resolve the issue on Monday.

One Response so far.

  1. Linda Mitchell says:

    Ok so with Safari, if clicking the CLASSES link on your site then the BOOK NOW button will not show up! HOWEVER, when I came to this blog, the BOOK NOW button was at the bottom of the page under sign up for classes here…when I click on it it lets me get to the login and then login to book classes! ( I am on Safari now) So it works with safari but just not from that page. Sounds like a glitch so back to the designer to figure out? Oh and it works great in Google Chrome as well (MAC users cannot get Internet Explorer)